Sunday, November 19, 2006

A three legged dog walks into a bar in the Wild West...

...goes up to the bar and says to the barman: "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."

I had to take Jude to the vet in Greenwich to have her stitches removed, but the vet said it wasn't cooked yet so we were sent away with more bandages and antibiotics. Poor Jude. She hates wearing a bandage. But if she doesn't stop licking the wound she'll end up having to wear one of those conical lampshade affairs, and that will be a sorry sight.

So the rest of the day was spent sorting out odds and sods with a little bit of studying thrown in for good measure. Later on I settled down to watch Woody Allen's Husbands and Wives - a film I haven't watched for ages. I had forgotten how fantastic this film is - one of my favourites. What I shouldn't have done, of course, was to consume a bottle of red whilst absorbed in the film. For some reason, the combination of an intellectually stimulating movie and red wine caused me to take up my 'book' and start re-reading and re-editing it, which I was still doing well past my bedtime.

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