Saturday, May 05, 2007


To the Bloomberg SPACE and an exhibition called Prison. Believe it or not, and remember - nobody's forcing you to - this was an exhibition about prison. Now when I say prison, I mean prisoners, the architecture, the reality, the concept and society's relationship to it. OK, so I'm paraphrasing the booklet. It was...interesting.

Off then to St Paul's where the plan was to climb to the top - something I haven't done since my brownie days (shortly before my greenie days) but the plan was half-baked. St Paul's was closed for a private ceremony. So, desiring and alternative landmark to climb, the Monument beckoned. I got a certificate. I'm very proud.

This was followed with a wander round the Science Museum (where machines morphed photos of your face adding the traits of the opposite sex - I ended up looking like someone's maiden aunt with five o'clock shadow) and the V&A - but the cast-courts were closed which was disappointing. The evening was spent in the Notting Hill Brasserie - in, er, Notting Hill. Lovely duck, and I love a duck.

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