Monday, January 01, 2007

2007 (and I can remember 1997, 1987, 1977...scary)

I'm back! Have you missed me? I thought not.

Had a great Christmas and New Year thanks for asking - ate lots of rich food, drank lots of fine wine, spent a lot of time in bed dreaming, read a book, wrote an essay, got presents, gave presents...and er, now that's all behind us we can concentrate on 2007. Call me Clare Voyant, but I've got a good feeling in me waters about it.

So, without further ado: New Year's Day. I walked Jude, feeling slightly zombie-fied after last night's indulgences, but there you go. I was in a chirpy mood considering, and startled other bleary-eyed dogwalkers by merrily wishing them a cheery good morning. Back indoors and back under the duvet to finish reading The Long Firm by Jake Arnott. I am so disappointed to finish it - I have loved this book and it has been my companion through the 'holiday period'. I suggest you give it a whirl.

I cleared up from last night, worked a little on my essay, then took Jude off to Greenwich Park to scare the living daylights out of the grey squirrel population which now quakes with fear at the sound of her doggy footsteps. It were luverly: the sky was blue, the world and his wife (who's put on a bit of weight over Christmas) were out and everybody seemed happy - which is unusual. Now I am exhausted and planning an evening of relaxation.

So that was Christmas and New Year. Out with the old and in with new, or something borrowed in my case. Who wants to go for a beer?

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