Thursday, January 04, 2007

And I will type 5000 words and I will type 5000 more...

What day is it for goodness sakes? Thursday. Right then - so what happened to Tuesday and Wednesday? Gawd only knows. I've been banging away (steady!) at this essay like a man possessed. Tuesday - just essay. That's all I did. From the time I got up until the time I went to bed - oh actually I did stop to watch This Life...10 Years On which was outstanding. Brought back lots of memories and sent shivers down my ginger wine. I particularly enjoyed seeing the old gang prancing around drunkenly to the Manics in Miles' ridiculously posh garden. Ah, them were the days...Our Design for Life and all that. At least Egg's still got good taste, listening The Kills as he chops up his veggies. Best line - Miles: 'Who are the Kaiser cheeses?'

On Wednesday I was at the Guildhall Gallery by opening time to spend a couple of hours in the company of Frith's The Derby Day, Life at the Seaside (Ramsgate Sands) and The Railway Station. I scribbled down lots of notes and then shot off to the British Library to wade through the mountain of books which had accumulated on my request list. What a productive way to spend a day...and what better in the evening that a dose of Celebrity Big Brother? High brow to low brow - who doesn't want Leo Sayer to win - although I am tempted to back Cleo cos Kenny would've liked it.

Ah, that brings me to today, and miraculously I can still remember what I did today! I finished writing my flapping essay! Hur-bloody-rah. It's too long - well over 6000 words when the maximum is 5000 - but who gives a tinker's cuss? I can delete can't I? That's easy - highlight - delete - I can do that. Is it any good - who can say? Better than the last one I think - in fact I'm a bit embarrassed by the last one now - don't think it was MA standard - probably more GCSE standard. Oh well, water under the bridge and all that. Right, I'd better go and take that Christmas tree down or that will be unlucky or something.

The pictures this year are, on the whole, going to be entirely random by the way - just things that catch my eye, like rusty nails at head height.

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