Sunday, May 13, 2007

Putting on the dampers

That was a bit of a wet weekend. Damp mainly. Drizzly. But not to worry, for there is much to do. On Saturday I took the train to Stoneleigh for a tour of J's new estate. Plenty of room for cat swinging, although I didn't indulge on this occasion. We busily constructed a garden bench and table (pictured) whilst dodging the raindrops before wining and dining al fresco and seeing how loud the stereo went. I made it back home in time to catch the Eurovision Song Contest voting - we woz robbed...woz we? Perhaps not, but it has all got a bit predictable.

In between shopping and Jude walking I worried at the edges of my dissertation subject and the rain fell relentlessly. The slugs and snails are having a field day with the smorgasbord of tasty young plants I have put out for them. We watched The Night Listener - the film version of Armistead Maupin's amazing book. It was interesting to see how it had been adapted, but for me it didn't achieve the complexity of emotional empathy which develops between the main characters in the book. But what do I know.


Anonymous said...

As ever this photo could look like a Renoir after a pint of Rioja

Anonymous said...

I've moved onto pints of prosecco these days - that's why I was having a lie down!!