Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The living daylights

I was talkin to Chuck in his Genghis Khan suit
And his wizard's hat
He spoke of his movie and how he was makin'
A new sound track

And then we spoke of kids on the coast
And different types of organic soap
And the way suicides don't leave notes
Then we spoke of Lorraine
Always back to Lorraine

That was lodged in my head all day long today. It just played on a loop - not even a blast from Snow Patrol could keep it out. I feel better for having externalised it in this way. By the way, if you have attempted to leave a comment on this blog (telling me where I can stick it) and have failed due to the sheer effort of registering and what-not, that I am the bearer of glad tidings. I checked the setting and realised it had defaulted to the wrong thing. So now leaving a comment should be as easy as falling off a frog.

So, nice day it was - now I've gone all Yoda. Lots of things to do this morning my goodness me yes. Then I was off to the library, tearing around the place trying to track down books and articles for the next two weeks. I've found that working two weeks ahead of the lecture means that you do the the teeniest chance of finding the relevant books - any later and then the out-of-towners who visit the library once a week have snaffled the lot.

This evening saw the last part of our Research Skills course, and the director of the Art History school succeeded in scaring the living daylights out of us by describing what was expected of our research projects and dissertations. Crumbs. Work to do there is much.

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