Monday, October 02, 2006

Sense of doubt

Good heavens I'm in a sparky mood. This may have something to do with the fact that last night I saw Sparks at the Forum - which is always an uplifting experience and one that I can thoroughly recommend. But it's not just that. I'm all buoyed up (quiet at the back) because tomorrow I start Uni! Never thought I'd say that again. Yes, it's true. After years of whinging and moaning and getting myself and everybody around me down, I've taken the plunge, bitten the bullet and swallowed the begonia. I've jacked in the job, thrown caution to the wind and jumped in at the deep end. I've swallowed my pride and puckered my lips, I've...I've...oh my God what have I done? Have I taken leave of my senses? I'll never pull it off! What on earth do I think I'm doing? Flipping heck and heavens to Betsy all in a sesame seed bun.

I'm going to do an MA in History of Art, fulltime, in the space of one year. It is my very sincere intention to keep track of my various trials and tribulations upon the very pages of this blogsite, where you will be able to monitor my downfall from the comfort of your swivel chairs. So, here we go 2-3-4.

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