Sunday, October 15, 2006


Well, I took a day off from the swotting - I think that's healthy. After Jude-walking duties, we went off in the car to the giant pet store (yes that's right - pets for giants) to get bargain price food for the canine lodger. Spent ages staring at the tropical fish and budgies - why do they keep them in the same tank? Stopped off at Majestic Wine on the way home and stocked up on a mixed case of vino - some things one just can't go without. Then I started pottering about in the tiny plot of land I call the garden: pruned the rose, cut back the fuscia, tidied up the honeysuckle and trimmed my bush round the front. And sunshine too - who'd've thought it?

Watched the film 'Thumbsucker' - which got the thumbs up. A 7/10 methinks.

Now what has that Antony been up to? He's a little tinker, getting me into all sorts of trouble in somebody else's dream. This was sent to me this morning, and made me laugh so hard branflakes came down my nose.

"So, there I am, living in this huuuumungus gothic house in the country somewhere, all dark and gloomy and stuffed with old ornate furniture and weird distorting mirrors, and I'm sharing the house with Antony from Antony and the Johnsons. It turns out he's got some kind of unspecified disability and I have to have the whole house converted for his wheelchair and a horrible grey concrete ramp laid over the grand steps that lead up to the front entrance. In the dream, I am most upset because my house is ruined and I know he is faking, but he insists that I am his only friend in the world and that I must help him or he will die. It's all a bit melodramatic and quite frankly my patience is wearing thin. Then one day I find an address book in his jacket pocket with one name in it - yours [guess who - only your blogging author!] There is a telephone number so I ring and you [that's me] answer. I tell you the whole story and you agree to come and try and persuade him to give up his pretence and leave my house. You arrive and I rush to answer the door and see my saviour, the person who is going to make all the nightmares disappear...I opened the door and there you were, with a seriously concerned expression and sporting a fantastic Wendy Craig/Purdey style haircut, nicely topped off by a stripy knitted beret, a fur trimmed gilet, a pair of magnificent purple velvet loons, white pointy boots and a string of plastic beads. Anyway, you told him to pull himself together and that the Doctor was going to be very very angry with him for messing up the nice lady's house. He was a bit miffed he'd been rumbled and charged out of the house into your waiting car, and you drove off. I was just trying to figure out what I was going to do with all the surgical aids dotted around the house and wondering how he'd got there in the first place, when I woke up."

Go figure!

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